Community Outreach

New Frontiers for Lifelong Learn prides itself on its contributions to the community. Our organization and our volunteers are committed to making a difference.

Learn about our on-going projects!

Volunteer Outreach

Empty bowls event

The life-blood of our organization is based on volunteers that give of their time, energies and skills. This past year, 133 NFLL members volunteered over 7,600 hours to support the curriculum, membership, social, communications, volunteers and the NFLL Council.

Along with the volunteer opportunities within our organization, we assist in outreach programs within our community. With our association to Mesa Community College, many volunteer hours are focused on the needs of the school.

Over the years, NFLL members have served on the MCC Commission on Excellence in Education, Center for Community and Civic Engagement and the Red Mountain Campus Advisory Committee. Members routinely volunteer with college programs such as Empty Bowls, Learning Across the Generations, Human Library and Connect for Success.

Have questions or want to volunteer? Contact the Volunteer Committee.

Scholarship Awards

New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning reaches out to deserving Mesa Community College (MCC) students each year through a scholarship program. The scholarship began many years ago with modest awards of $250 to $500, but most recently we helped four students with $1,000 each.

The award recipients are announced in August of each year by the Development Office of MCC. A scholarship committee is responsible for selecting the successful recipients. Students are ranked by academic excellence and by the quality of their application that includes a statement expressing their educational goals and validation of their need for financial assistance.

New Frontiers is proud to play an important part in their lives and studies!

For information regarding our Scholarship Program, contact the Scholarship Coordinator.

Speakers' Bureau


New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning offers organizations within our community a speaker program. We conduct a presentation on the benefits of staying active, socializing, and continuing to activate the mind in a learning environment.

Do you know of a church or community organization in the Phoenix East Valley that needs a speaker for a meeting? How about a Red Hat Society function or perhaps your community association? We'd be happy to discuss your needs and conduct a presentation. We provide handouts, brochures and current information. Simply contact our Speakers Bureau coordinator for more information and to set up an appointment.

Contact the Contact the Speakers Bureau Coordinator.

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